Support Coordination

We offer support help you research options, sort through issues and help you get the most out of your plan.
Under the NDIS, you will have complete authority for understanding your plan and the budgeting process, and for finding and connecting with Support Providers in your community to achieve the goals in your plan. You can either do this yourself (which a lot of people do), or you can ask for funding to get a Support Coordinator to help you with this.
Your Support Coordinator will become your ‘go to’ person for getting your plan started, helping you research and looking at different options, resolving issues and making your plan ‘come to life’. At present, your Plan Manager must be registered with the NDIA to provide this service.
The official definition of Support Co-ordination by the NDIA is:
“Assistance to strengthen participant’s abilities to coordinate and implement supports and participate more fully in the community. It can include initial assistance with linking participants with the right providers to meet their needs, assistance to source providers, coordinating a range of supports both funded and mainstream and building on informal supports, resolving points of crisis, parenting training and developing participant resilience in their own network and community.”
If you think you would benefit from Support Coordination, you will need to discuss this need in your planning meeting with the NDIA Planner.
For more information on any of these Supports, call and speak to Kialani Tesselaar on 8562 4855.