We understand many in our community are concerned about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and is a time of uncertainty.
Ours is an essential service and it is critical that Barossa Enterprises continue providing supports to our clients. You can also be assured that we will do our utmost to maintain the well being of our staff and volunteers.
Our site continues to remain fully operational and we expect this to continue over the next 6 months.
As the environment continues to change, our Management Team is monitoring the situation closely and has increased infection control processes, provided training and information to our clients and supporting staff and implemented a Business Continuance Plan.
Thank you for your support and if you require information about the Coronavirus, along with measures you can take to prevent the spread of the virus, please visit the Australian Government Department of Health website https://www.health.gov.au/ You can also phone the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.